The Science Blog


Lighting the future takes more than just bright ideas

You just got a new cellphone, but before you know it you’re seeing ads for the next gen model and you haven’t even figured out how to change the background of your current phone. It might seem like the progression of technology is a relentless juggernaut. However, the truth is it takes a lot to keep innovation moving and many of today’s best tools happen to take advantage of the new advancements in photonics, an ever growing field…

Is your garage ready to replace the local pharmacy?


Congress wasn’t happy on September 21st when they grilled Mylan CEO Heather Bresch on why her company had raised the price of the EpiPen by over 500% in recent years. For many in the public, the thought of people unable to afford access to life-saving medicine was outrageous. But for a community of DIY-hackers, this was a call to action…